What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a martial art that was originally brought from Japan to Brazil by the Gracie family. It is often referred to as the gentle art because it places technique above size. This emphasis on technique makes BJJ a great sport for a wide variety of people.

Jiu Jitsu is a valuable tool in self defense, but similarly to many other martial arts it has become a sport as well. At Brothers we largely teach sport Jiu Jitsu rather than self defense Jiu Jitsu. There are still many valuable advantages to training sport BJJ, but it is important to understand that not all techniques are applicable to a real altercation.

Traditionally Jiu Jitsu is conducted in a gi or a kimono. However; at Brothers we focus solely on nogi. The uniform for this is just shorts and a rashguard. Nogi Jiu Jitsu is very sport friendly and opens up options for a wide variety of different techniques. Nogi Jiu Jitsu is easily the fastest growing facet of BJJ and is likely the future of the sport.

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